Messages Console

Your messages console is a great way to keep an open line of communication with existing customers and to answer questions being asked online in order to bring new customers into the store.

You'll get messages from a few places around the web. 

  • The Messenger chat widget that appears on every page of your website. 
  • The Contact Us page of your website. 
  • Facebook Messenger on your Facebook page.

In addition, you now have the ability to receive SMS messages from your younger audience. What we've found is that consumers of all ages love to message local businesses, not just millennials! 

After you send somebody a review request be sure to let them know that they should save the number they got the review request from. And say "If you have questions just send us a text message, we'll get right back to you!" 

Not only can you field incoming messages from customers, but you can proactively use the Messages tab of your NextPaw dashboard to get in touch with customers via text message. For example: when a customer's special order has arrived, to remind them of grooming appointments, to notify them that their reservation is confirmed for a training session, and much more! 

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