Creating Blog Posts

The Blog Feature is great for publishing new articles on your NextPaw website. 

Simply navigate to the Blogs tab on the left-hand side of your dashboard. You will be able to edit old blog posts or create new ones. 

When you add a new post it's important to add Categories and Tags. 

Category: Think of the Category that you give a new article as being a broad classification. 
Tag: Thing of Tags as more specific. Tags are often keywords that somebody would search for if they were looking for answers on a subject. 

For example, if you wrote a blog post about Raw Dog Food then you would want to classify the article with a category of "Nutrition" and add some tags like "Raw Food" & "Dog." 


If you hear an interesting question from a customer in the store you should write about it! Use the question itself as the title of the article, and simply write about the answer to that particular question. Odds are, if somebody is asking about it in the shop, then there are other pet owners with the same question searching online. Wouldn't it be great if you could appear in search for the people asking those questions? Using in-store questions as your topics eliminate the need to spend extra time planning topics and doing research. 

After you add your post, don't forget to share it on social media! Use a juicy sentence from the blog article in your social media post, and attach a picture to the post as well. 

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