Adding Upcoming Events

Do you hold events with local rescues? Meet and greet events? Community events? Adoption days? No matter what kind of event it is, NextPaw will help spread the word and maximize your upcoming event's online exposure! 

When you add an event to the Events section of your NextPaw dashboard it will be synced with many key places at the same time. 

  • Your Google My Business Listing
  • Your Store Locator Listings
  • And over 70+ other event-specific websites and apps!

Consumers expect to find information anywhere they happen to be searching. Failing to effectively share your event details across all of the many search engines, apps, social networks, and event sites means you are missing out on opportunities for consumers to engage with your brand.

Adding an Event

  1. Click the Marketing drop-down menu, then click Events.
  2. Add your event's name and type of event.
  3. If your event runs for multiple days, click the Multi-Day Event toggle and add your start & end date. If there is a time associated with your event, click the Add Event Time toggle and add the start & end time.
  4. If your event is repeating, click the Repeat Event toggle and select Weekly, Monthly or Periodically. Then, select the day(s) that you want the event to repeat.
  5. Add the Description of your event. It's a good idea to add the date, time, and address of the event in the description for added SEO benefits!
  6. Upload your own event photo or click Design with Canva to create a new graphic.
  7. If you'd like to add a YouTube video link or a website URL to your event, paste the links in their respective fields.
  8. If you have multiple locations, select which location(s) the event should be posted to.
  9. If you'd like to add a button to your event, click the Add a Button drop-down menu and select the button type. Fill out any additional information for the button.

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