The Reviews Section of Your NextPaw Dashboard

Bad reviews are no fun at all. You can’t prevent them, you can’t delete or hide them, but you can control the outcome by addressing them reactively, or proactively. Properly addressing a negative review increases the chance that a customer will give your business another chance.

On the flip side, no response is still a response. Silence says it all; it tells current and potential customers that you don’t care enough to acknowledge less than ideal experiences, and therefore may damage your integrity as a trusted local business. Every last review that a customer leaves is an opportunity to interact and learn more. Answer them with the respect and great customer service you are known for!

Furthermore, responding to a customer is not just about answering them and them alone. Your whole audience is watching how you interact with your customers online. By responding and maybe even helping them resolve the problem future review readers will see that you are a stand up business.

Don't just respond to the negative reviews that you may occasionally get, but respond to every review that you get! Thank the customer and say something nice in return to their kind words. 

Google monitors the review response rate of local businesses and will view you much more favorably if you have a stellar response rate. 

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