NextPaw Dashboard Settings


This area will allow you to change your review goal and your primary review generation platform. The more new reviews the better, but a good starting goal is to acquire 10-20 new reviews every month. In the General settings section, you can also change your review request image and your review request message. The default review request message tends to have the best conversion rate in acquiring new reviews so we don't recommend changing it, but the option is available to you. 


You can change your everyday business hours, and you can add special/ holiday hours in the Hours Settings section of your NextPaw dashboard. It's really important to keep your hours up to date on holidays and special events to prevent a customer from making it all the way to the store before realizing that you are actually closed.


In the Accounts Settings section, you can re-authorize your Facebook page and your Google My Business page if you ever need to. You can also connect your NextPaw dashboard to MailChimp or Constant Contact. Doing so will enable your website to automatically add new subscribers from your website to go to your mailing list. 


The Auto-Responder Settings area is where you can modify the automatic response sent to a customer when they message your business. You have two auto-response messages, one that will be sent during business hours and one that will be sent outside of business hours when the store is closed. 

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