Expired Token? Here's what to do.

Facebook and Google are two of the most important places online for a Local Business. That's why NextPaw integrates with them directly. Since we are sending and receiving information, it's important that the connection to both Facebook and Google stays up to date. This is accomplished with the help of a unique token, created just for you.  

Occasionally, this token will expire. This can happen for a number of reasons, most often, it's because Facebook or Google made an update or a security setting change. 

When this happens, you'll be notified and you'll want to follow the simple steps below. If you have any trouble, send an email to support@nextpaw.com or give us a call at (866) 810-7890

Authorize Facebook and Google in your NextPaw dashboard. 

  1. Login to your NextPaw dashboard at https://app.nextpaw.com
  2. Click on Settings in the bottom, left-hand corner.
  3. Click on Accounts, it's at the top of the page. 
  4. Click on "Authorize Google" allow and accept all access.
  5. And/ Or - click on "Authorize Facebook" allow and accept all access. Be sure to add the Whitelisted Domains. Your Whitelisted domain should look like this "https://yourdomain.com" 

Authorizing Google in NextPaw Help Video.

Authorizing Facebook in NextPaw Help Video. 

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