GoDaddy - Installing Webchat


Before you can install webchat on GoDaddy, you’ll need to create a custom code snippet from your NextPaw Webchat Widget code. Once you've created the custom code snippet, you can install the custom code to your GoDaddy website.

*NoteClick here to learn how to find your Webchat Widget code

To create the custom code snippet:

  1. If you haven’t already, copy the webchat code to your clipboard.
  2. Open a text editor and paste your webchat code (Found in Settings > Website Tab) which will look something like this:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<message-widget-app app_id="BE57-7615-36C9-CE23-9237"></message-widget-app>
  1. Copy the following custom code snippet to the text editor. 
function insertJS(t){var e=window.parent.document.body,n=document.createElement("script");n.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),n.setAttribute("src",t),e.appendChild(n)}function insertWidget(t){var e=window.parent.document.body,n=window.parent.document.createElement("message-widget-app");n.setAttribute("app_id",t),e.appendChild(n)}function main(){document.body&&(insertJS(""),insertJS(""),insertWidget("APP_ID"))}main();
  1. Locate your webchat API_ID (A 20 character token) and replace the placeholder "APP_ID" text with your token. 
  2. Copy the custom code snippet code with your APP_ID in-place to your clipboard.

To install the webchat code on GoDaddy:

  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy administration account.
  2. Select your website.
  3. Click Edit Website.
  4. At the bottom of your Home page, click Add Section.
  5. Select HTML and click Add.
  6. In custom code, paste the webchat code.
  7. Set forced height to 1 pixels.
  8. Click Done.
  9. Click Publish.
Attention: If you need additional help, visit the GoDaddy help center or email

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