Creating a Facebook Pixel

Step 1 is to make sure that you have created a business manager account. If you have not, then proceed to Part 1. If you have already created a Facebook Business Manager account, then please skip Part 1 and proceed to Part 2.

Part 1 -  Create a Business Manager Account

To create a Business Manager:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create Account.
  3. Enter a name for your business, select the primary Page and enter your name and work email address.
  4. Enter your information in the rest of the required fields.

Part 2 - Create a pixel in Business Manager

  1. Go to Business Settings in Business Manager.
  2. Select your business.
  3. Click Data Sources.
  4. Select Pixels.
  5. Click the + Add button.
  6. Type in a name for your pixel.
  7. Optional: Enter your website URL.
  8. Click Create.

Part 3 - Send the Pixel to

  1. Go to the Pixels tab in Events Manager.
  2. Click Set up Pixel.
  3. Click Email Instructions to a Developer.
  4. Enter the recipient’s email address. (
  5. Click Send at the bottom of the page.

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