Tip - Use the Blog to Start a Newsletter

Using the Blog feature of your NextPaw dashboard is a great way to add newsletter posts to your website. If you add monthly promotions, specials, coupons, or new product announcements to your monthly newsletter be sure to add those with the Promotions Feature of your NextPaw dashboard. 

Step 1

Visit the Blog section after logging in to https://app.nextpaw.com. Then, click "Add Post". 

Step 2

Add the title that you would like to display under the Title section. Create a new category called "News" and add a tag that makes sense. In the example pictured below, the month of the newsletter is used as the tag.   

Step 3

Simply copy and paste the body of your newsletter update to the Description area of the Blog article. Click on Save, and you're all done! A unique URL will automatically be created based on the title of your article, and the new post will be displayed on the Blog page. 

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