Domain Registrar Information

We ask you to provide login details to your domain registrar via a secure form so that we have access to manage DNS, nameservers, and MX records associated with your domain.

If you aren't sure who your domain registrar is, and can’t find your billing records, you can search for your domain host online:
1. Go to WHOIS lookup, provided by ICANN, a non-profit that collects domain information.
2. Enter your domain name in the search field and click Lookup.
3. In the results page, look for the Registrar section.
The registrar is usually your domain host. For example:
Registrar: Polarmatix Domain Services
4. Go to your registrar’s website using the listed URL.
5. Sign in with the credentials you used when you purchased (or transferred) your domain. If you forgot your password, contact your domain host’s support team.
Domain Resellers
Some domains are hosted by resellers through a separate registrar. If you can’t sign in with your listed registrar or the registrar field is blank, your domain host may be a reseller.
1. In the WHOIS lookup results page, scroll down to the Raw WHOIS Record section.
2. Look for the Reseller entry.
3. Go to the reseller’s website.
4. Sign in with the credentials you used when you purchased (or transferred) your domain.
If you forgot your password, contact the reseller’s support team.
If there is no reseller listed, contact the listed registrar’s support team for help.

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