How do I Collect Reviews on Yelp?

Yelp is picky about how it goes about collecting reviews about your business. Yelp doesn’t allow review solicitation on their site. 

If you try to solicit reviews on Yelp you run the risk of some negative outcomes for your business. Yelp goes so far as to disqualify some of your customer reviews, making them harder to find, and may actively let users know that your business’ reviews are untrustworthy or deceptive. 

Here are some helpful pages directly from Yelp. 

How Can You Get More Reviews on Yelp?

Why Solicited Reviews are Harmful and What Businesses Can Do Instead

Don't Ask For Reviews on Yelp

This doesn’t mean that you are out of luck. NextPaw has worked closely with Yelp in order to ensure that you are taken care of. We allow you to gain insight into how your pet store can thrive on Yelp. Use NextPaw to watch your Yelp stats, the star rating and number of reviews. 

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