Download the Mobile App

Get the NextPaw app for iPhone, iPad, & Android

Be mobile. Connect with customers, request reviews, update your business information, and more all from the palm of your hand. Download the NextPaw mobile app in the iPhone App Store & Android Google Play store to manage your business from anywhere, any time! Click on the photo below to get started ⤵

Universal Messaging Inbox

One inbox to communicate with customers who engage from your website, Google search, maps, text message, Facebook, and Instagram.

Enable Brands and Products You Sell

Enable products from the brands you sell to allow shoppers to browse your catalog directly from your store locator listings.

Manage Online Reviews

Quickly request reviews, and easily respond to any review your business receives while on the go.

Manage Hours of Operation - Including Holiday & Special Hours

Schedule holidays, events, or times your business will be closed to automatically update Google, listings & voice technologies to match.

Update Your Business Information

Control the facts about your business that customers see across hundreds of websites and voice technologies and store locators to boost SEO, online and in-store traffic.

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