Can I Send CBD Related Messages on NextPaw?

Cannabidiol (CBD) products have become increasingly popular in the pet industry over the last few years. With the pet CBD space booming, it's important to understand the regulations set on how your business can talk about or sell CBD products.

Can I Send Messages About CBD in NextPaw?

No. Due to federal guidelines SMS platforms are not allowed to send messages regarding  cannabis (marijuana) or cannabidiol (CBD). In fact, messages related to cannabis and CBD are not allowed in the United States at all.


Federal regulations state that it's forbidden to send messages about anything that is illegal in the jurisdiction the message recipient lives in. Despite some state legalization, federal law prohibits the sales of cannabis products. Because CBD sales are illegal in some states, they also fall into the prohibited message category. 

What Are Cannabis-Related Messages?

Cannabis-related messages are any messages that promote the sale of a cannabis or CBD product, regardless of whether or not the message explicitly contains cannabis or CBD terms, images, or links.

What Should I Do Instead?

The best thing to do is contact your customer by phone to answer questions or complete sales.

Have questions about what's okay to send in messages? Reach out to our team for help!

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