Navigating the Inbox

Your unified inbox can receive unlimited incoming texts from customers, and messages from Facebook, Instagram, Google & more! This true  universal inbox experience not only allows you to message your customers, but also creates opportunities to get more customers paying you, booking you, & getting more foot traffic in your store.

Read below to learn how to navigate the inbox.

Finding a Conversation

To find a conversation in the inbox, you can use either the search bar or filters. The search bar allows you to find a conversation by using a customer’s name or phone number.

You can filter the conversation in an inbox using six different filters: open messages, unread, Facebook, text, website, and archived.
  • Open messages: This section is your primary inbox. It includes all of the messages that haven't been archived. Messages here are from any of the platforms used to communicate to your business: Facebook, your website, and text.
  • Unread: These messages haven't been opened and are from all platforms.
  • Facebook: These messages came from your Facebook business page. You can respond right from here to any Facebook messages.
  • Text: These messages started as text messages. 
  • Website: These messages began when a customer filled out the contact us form on your website. 
  • Archived: These messages have been completed and marked as archived. If a customer responds to an archived conversation, it will automatically be moved to the open messages section of your inbox.

Archiving a Conversation 

Having an empty inbox helps create an organized messages center. Once you're finished with a conversation and ready to archive it, just click on the person icon with the down arrow at the top right of the conversation. This will move the conversation into your archived folder. You can view all of the archived conversations by adding the Archived filter to your messages.

Unarchiving a Conversation

If you archive a conversation on accident, you can easily unarchive it and it will automatically be moved back into your open messages. The same will happen if a customer responds to a message after the conversation has been archived. To unarchive, just add the Archived filter, find the conversation, and click on the person icon with the up arrow. 

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