Sending Review Invitations

Sending review invitations makes it easier for your customers to rate your business, helping you get found online more easily and improving the quantity and quality of your reviews on popular review websites. The more 4 & 5 star reviews your business earns, the more often Google shows your business to local pet parents online!

Easily get reviews from customers by requesting them via text directly from the NextPaw dashboard!

To send a review invitation:

  1. From any page of your dashboard, click the Request Review button.
  2. Enter the name, and phone number of the person you'd like to request a review from.
  3. Click Send Request.
  4. Your customer will receive a text with a link to leave your business a review. If you’d like to customize the default review invitation, see Editing the Review Invitation Template.

Note: NextPaw limits how often you can send a review invitation to a specific contact—every 60 days. Not only do most people dislike getting back-to-back requests, mobile carriers treat them like spam and may begin blocking your messages. NextPaw will automatically send a follow-up request if the link to leave a review has not been clicked. You can edit this setting by going to 'Settings' > 'Reviews'

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