Requesting Payments

Streamline your payments by enabling shoppers to settle their bills from their mobile phones. Offer an instant, contactless payment solution that makes end-of-day bottlenecks a thing of the past. Setting up your account is easy, with no changes to your in-person payment infrastructure. 

In NextPaw, you’ll create an order that includes:

  • The customer's information
  • How they're receiving their order (in-store pickup, curbside pickup, or local delivery)
  • The products/services they're purchasing, quantity, and price of each item
  • Tax rate (if applicable)
  • Optional: notes and an invoice number

You’ll then choose to do one of the following:

  • Send Payment Request: Sends the confirmation text along with the secure payment link
  • Save order details: Sends a text to the customer letting them know you've gotten their order and will send a payment link shortly.
  • Cancel: The creation of the order will be deleted.

To Request a Payment:

  1. From your Dashboard, click Sales, then select Orders.
  2. Click Create Order.
  3. Search for an existing customer or click Add New.
  4. Choose the delivery method for the order.

    - For curbside orders: Choose the day & time the customer wants to pick up the order. If you don't know when they want to pick it up, you can leave it blank.

    - For local delivery: The customer's address is required. You can also add what day & time they want their order delivered, but this section is optional in case you are unsure.
  5. Click Add Product. Search for the name of your product or service, or add a new one. Choose the quantity, add the price (per product), and your tax rate (if applicable).
  6. Select whether or not the order is one-time or recurring. If the order is a subscription, Click Recurring, then choose how often you want the order to repeat.
  7. Optionally, add notes and/or an invoice number to your order.
  8. Complete the order by choosing Send Payment Request. Click Save Order to save the order for later. Click Cancel to cancel the order.

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