Syncing Variation Products from Your POS to NextPaw eCommerce

If you have products in your POS (Vend, Clover, Square, etc) that are set up as variation products, meaning there is a parent product and options such as size and/or flavor that you would like to sync to your storefront please follow these instructions.

When you sync your POS, variation products from your system will be created in NextPaw. Each product will have Options > Variants for each option/UPC you have in your system.

Once the product is created, each variation will stay in-sync with your POS keeping pricing and inventory up-to-date based on the POS you have connected.

IF you want to break up your variation product in your POS into individual products, you MUST first delete the product in your NextPaw store dashboard, and then sync the product from your POS. If you do not, the sync will not work and you will see an error because the system is looking for the original product you already synced.

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