The Basics of Managing Your Online Store

Managing your Products

The products that you sell in your online store are one of the most important things for you to understand. It’s important to ensure that your pricing is accurate so that your customers are never confused. 

  1. Product Management Overview
  2. Adding custom products, such as unique bakery items.

Managing your Categories

Your categories change how your customers will browse for your products. It’s important to disable the categories of products which you don’t carry. Here are some handy guides for managing those categories. 

  1. Category Management Overview
  2. Organizing your products into categories
  3. Changing the order of your categories.
  4. Deleting categories. 

Managing your Orders

Watching the orders start to roll in is one of the most important and exciting parts of setting up online shopping for your customers! What happens after a customer places the order? 

Order Management Overview

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